Body Coolant – Raw Diet: Day 5

Body Coolant – Raw Diet: Day 5

If you’ve been following on the last few posts of my current raw diet, I’m actually loving the rich, natural and vibrant colours of all my smoothies so far. Needless to say they’re all super healthy smoothies and they’ve all had such wonderful distinct colours. What’s best is that they are all natural colours and nothing has been added to it whatsoever.

I am also truly amazed at how I feel and the way my body has transformed with pretty much the same ingredients that I used to have earlier in cooked form. I have actually lost a couple of kilos and my body too feels fresh and clear from within. So today happens to be the 5th day of my raw diet and to my pleasant surprise, today’s smoothie has actually tasted the best of all! Yeah I missed mentioning how all the other smoothies tasted so far, but I am glad that they were all nice and tasteful. Of course it wasn’t as yummy as an oreo shake or a margarita, but it was definitely worth having. Well here’s the secret juice for making today’s delightful smoothie:

Body Coolant

: 1 Glass
: 20 min
: 20 min
: Easy

Try this smoothie for cooling yourself from within


  • Fresh Pumpkin with seeds (Why use dehydrated when you can have fresh right from the fruit itself)
  • Banana
  • Coconut Water
  • Yellow Zucchini
  • Apple
  • Muskmelon a.k.a. Cantaloupe (again with fresh melon seeds)
  • Basil
  • Step 1 Clean/soak the fruits and veggies for at least 20 min before use.
  • Step 2 Peel the pumpkin & cantaloupe and use it with the seeds.
  • Step 3 Add a banana, peeled apple, yellow zucchini and 2-3 basil leaves
  • Step 4 Put all the above in a mixer and crush.
  • Step 5 Add coconut water & blend it smooth.
  • Step 6 Garnish with a few basil leaves and enjoy this cool drink!

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