All Greens Smoothie – Raw Diet: Day 3

All Greens Smoothie – Raw Diet: Day 3

I’m pretty thrilled and excited to have given my raw diet a try, as I’m feeling better than ever on Day 3! Having raw fruits and vegetables in it’s natural state is indeed a very good idea! I strongly believe that the root cause of all problems that mankind faces today, is only because we’re persistently going against nature and what’s natural. Whether it’s related to our health, lifestyle, environment or even socially; We’re all bedazzled with everything artificial rather than being coveted to natural resources. Well, who knew that Newton’s 3rd Law would apply to the food we eat in such a big way? It’s actually pretty simple to understand and accept the fact that what’s available naturally to us is best for us and our body! And yet we all try so hard to complicate things when it’s simply not required.

Anyway, so coming back to my raw diet, I’d like to share how my day went yesterday; I began my morning with the orange detox smoothie followed by some fruits & a glass of coconut water. Then I had 4 cucumbers and a carrot for lunch. (Yes, no kidding!) A few hours later for ‘hi-tea’ I had a bowl full of salad that consisted of raw corn, lettuce, roman lettuce, yellow zucchini, tomatoes (my favourite) and red bell peppers. I made the dressing for the salad from almond milk, garlic and 1/2 Tsp of olive oil, fresh basil, oregano and a pinch of salt. (Shall probably consider making a recipe for this salad soon as it turned out really nice) After about an hour, I had an additional glass of my morning smoothie and then finally ended my day with a glass full of tomato juice.

It’s definitely something worth trying out for yourself! In order for me to go stronger, I’ve managed to make one super healthy green smoothie today! So here it is:

All Green Smoothie

: 1 Glass
: 20 min
: 20 min
: 20 min
: Easy


  • Kale
  • Banana
  • Bottle Gourd
  • Apple
  • Celery
  • Ginger
  • Basil
  • Topped with Watermelon Seeds
  • Step 1 Soak all the fruits and veggies for at least 20 min and clean well before use.
  • Step 2 Put all the ingredients in a mixer and blend it smooth.
  • Step 3 Pour it in a glass and top it up with some melon seeds.

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